Gathering to grow spiritually.

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Morning Prayers

A commitment to praying for the needs of the world and one another. Every Monday and Friday morning we meet at 8:45am on ZOOM to read Scripture and pray together for 15 minutes. It grounds everything we do as a community in a regular pattern of Scripture and prayer. Contact us for the ZOOM link.


Art and Craft

The Art and Craft group meet in the church hall on the first and third Thursday mornings of each month to be creative together!

A warm welcome and cup of tea await! Contact us for details of the next meeting.


Bible Studies

Our small groups are where we deepen and enrich our relationships with one another and with God’s Word. There are a couple of regular Bible Studies as well as study groups that form for a season. Contact us to see where you can plug in!


Women’s Dinner

The women’s dinner is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other women who are busy at work or with children mid-week. The group meets on the 5th Sunday evenings for dinner either at a restaurant or at a home. Contact us for the next scheduled dinner!